
Covid Russia 2022-08-11: Medium+ Mass Vaccinated (2022-08-11) - Estimated Extra Deaths +380516 (2189 extra deaths per Million Doses given) and Adverse Effects 33 Million (191799 per Million Doses) vs Assumed Natural Immunity, thus Not Mass Vaccinated, during 2021:07-2022:06

How is the medium+ mass vaccinated Russia (119 doses / 100 people, 52% two doses, 57% one dose and 11% booster 1 - 11 August 2022) doing from July 2021 to June 2022 compared to assumed natural immunity, thus without mass vaccination?

The answer on 11 August 2022 - The Emperors without Clothes: the mass vaccinated Russia has an estimated 380516 extra deaths compared to assumed natural immunity and an estimated 33 million serious adverse effects for the mass vaccinated period July 2021 - June 2022! See the table and the graph, with the factual source data used for the table, below. The first link below is the source of the graph. The above comparison concerns a 12 month period. I recommend everybody to do his own research and analyse among others the historical data behind this list of links:

See the table above and the article link below for the calculation of excess deaths of assumed natural immunity, without mass vaccination, during 2021-2022. The estimated result is 57% of the excess deaths during the peak season 2020-2021. Covid%20World%202022-03-22:%20Assuming%20Natural%20Immunity,%20 E-Deaths%202021-22%2057pc%20of%20Peak%202020-21%20Plausible &relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

The figures were corrected for an estimated 15000 Russian casualties of the war in Ukraine.

The estimate for people with serious adverse effects is calculated by multiplying the estimated extra deaths by an estimated ratio reported adverse effects / reported deaths after covid vaccination. The ratio used is 87.6 and was calculated from the table "Estimated Probabilities After Covid Vaccination" for all ages in the article below. This results in an estimated 33 million serious adverse effects and part of these adverse effects are long lasting. @ArchiveOrg%20Frontline%20Workers%20Testimonies%20and%20VAERs%20 Covid%20Vaccination%20Adverse%20Events%20%E2%80%93%20March%202021 &relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

The excess-deaths property is used instead of covid deaths in this comparison because the health damage and deaths after covid mass vaccination (and the interwoven lockdowns) are not limited to covid only. This is the larger picture:
- Of course the covid death toll itself. In mass vaccinated regions more and more vaccine-resistant variants are dominant and potentially result in more and more covid deaths possibly even in disastrously high numbers. See the Delta paragraph further down.
- High death numbers short term after and therefore most probably from covid vaccination.
- High numbers of serious and permanent health damage short term after and therefore most probably from covid vaccination. Those damages seriously increase the risk of dying from tipover causes like the flu, corona, other diseases or stresses.
- The high concentrations of covid vaccinal antibodies suppress the innate immunity mostly of children but also of adults. Sterilizing innate immunity plays the main role in protection against certain viruses, not only corona, cancers, ... and therefore also play the main role in herd immunity against these viruses, cancers, ... . In other words this is covid vaccination damage to innate immunity leading to more health damage and deaths from those viruses, cancers, ... .
- Health damage and deaths from the damaging and totalitarian covid measures without scientific justification.
- Last year, among others on the basis of an unreliable PCR test, which is in any case not suitable for diagnosis, all deaths where at all possible were classified as covid dead in order to inflate covid into a pandemic. To cover up an exacerbation of covid after mass vaccination, they could normalize this classification. In addition to the above points, this is also a reason why excess mortality instead of "covid deaths" is the pre-eminent property to compare the death toll before and after covid mass vaccination. By the way regarding reporting of "covid deaths":
"From a causality point of view only 16.6% of the reported number can be attributed to the Covid Coronavirus.": Fact%20Check%20-%20False%20Claim:%20%E2%80%9CCovid%20Death%20Toll%E2%80%9D%20implies%20that%20 Covid%20is%20the%20%20Dominant%20Cause%20of%20Death& relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

The above observation, the exacerbation of public health and the covid pandemic after specific antibody mass vaccination, was and is scientifically the most plausible result of this mass vaccination. Consequently, this science and the above observation is evidence of serious violations, among many other serious violations (for example for young healthy people see the end of this article), of for example the following two rules of the Nuremberg Code:
The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
And now they also have plans and already effective implementations (seen worldwide) to mandate besides luring and forcing the covid mass vaccination!

Concerning Delta:
More contagiousness (Delta, Delta+, ...) goes hand in hand with stronger reproduction in human tissues (by means of, among other things, viral immune escape, vaccine resistance and possibly ADE - so also in vaccinated people), so also potentially more pathogenic and more dangerous. After Delta and Delta+, it is very likely that due to the mass vaccination (and lockdowns) their unnatural and unintelligent pressure on the virus even more contagious, more vaccine resistant, more sickening and more dangerous variants will become succesful. Nobody knows how far this goes with (continued) mass vaccination. Perhaps not obvious, but still, does this end with the related virus SARS1? 10% death rate! Or does this end with the result of animal testing for SARS1 vaccines? Mortality percentage many times greater than 10%. The name of the real biological game is vaccine-resistance, not vaccine-inequity! The name of the real biological game is vaccine-resistance, not vaccine-inequity! Natural selection (Darwin) of vaccine-resistant variants is borderless and strongest in mass vaccinated regions!

Therefore Covid vaccine passports, luring, coercing, extorting and mandating vaccination, ... have no ground and are violations of the Nuremberg code because covid mass vaccination is a public health damaging medical experiment.

See the next article link: now with appendix A: Articles about and images from mass vaccinated countries with:
– surges: viral immune escape and potentially antibody dependent and/or mediated enhancement (these are strong and dangerous worsenings of the disease) variants driven by the specific antibody mass vaccination. and
– lockdowns
Mongolia, Seychelles, Bahrain and many more countries to be added to appendix A and with worldwide vaccination and covid situation maps.

@CNN To end this pandemic, 'we've got to get everyone in our country vaccinated,' US surgeon general says Top criticizing and/or clarifying comments, links and images of the above CNN main article follow further down after the links to the main article. tiname=@CNN%20To%20end%20this%20pandemic,%20weve%20got%20to%20get%20everyone %20in%20our%20country%20vaccinated,%20US%20surgeon%20general&relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&page=1

The latter increase results in high reported adverse effect probabilities and death probabilities after covid vaccination that are for the young extremely higher than the death probability after about one year of covid: @ArchiveOrg%20Frontline%20Workers%20Testimonies%20and%20VAERs %20Covid%20Vaccination%20Adverse%20Events%20%E2%80%93 %20March%202021&relationship=All&drsid=0&pisid=0&tiname_dno=1&page=1

Images (press ctrl+ for more image detail)

The article ”Covid Russia 2022-08-11: Medium+ Mass Vaccinated (2022-08-11) - Estimated Extra Deaths +380516 (2189 extra deaths per Million Doses given) and Adverse Effects 33 Million (191799 per Million Doses) vs Assumed Natural Immunity, thus Not Mass Vaccinated, during 2021:07-2022:06” was written by Paka Small – 2022/08/11.

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